Today, small and medium-sized enterprises are at greater risk of cyber-attack and security breaches than large enterprises and thus SMEs cybersecurity is a must. 71% cyberattack happens at businesses with less than 100 employees due to less secure network, budget constraint and limited resources for proper security. Other reasons are not having IT network specialists, lack of employee training on cybersecurity practices, failure to update security programs, outsourcing security and securing endpoints leads to a great impact on cyberattacks of SMBs.
Following are Some common SMEs cybersecurity attacks:
- Advanced persistent threats
In this type of passive attack, the hacker gets access to a computer network over a long period with the intention to gather information.
- Phishing
Attackers and hackers use phishing via email and induce users to perform a certain task. Once the target user completes the task, such as opening a link or giving personal information, the hacker gains access to private systems or information.
- Denial of service attacks
Through specifically crafted data, hackers will deny service to a legitimate user and this will cause an error within the system or flooding, which involves overloading a system and functions stop working. Hackers force the user to pay a certain fee in order to regain working or data.
- Password attacks
Hackers may use automated methods to input various passwords in an attempt to access a network. If they are successful in gaining network access, hackers can easily move and gain access to even more systems.
- Malware
Malware can cause serious damage, and security breaches and it can be downloaded to the computer without knowledge.
- Insider attack
When employees do not practice good cyber safety, an insider attack occurs and this results in compromised or stolen data.
- Ransomware
Ransomware gathers and encrypts data in a network preventing user access. Users’ access is met only when the hacker’s demands are fulfilled.
Follow these best practices to protect your company’s assets and data breaches- SMEs cybersecurity
- Install anti-malware system
Install anti-malware solutions in systems and devices which contain sensitive information and have access to it. As we never leave our house door open likewise company’s doors should never be left unguarded against malicious intent of attackers.
- Stress on data protection
Keep your employees updated and informed about the company’s security policies. Stress on the personal and business consequences of not protecting mobile devices, storage devices and confidential data.
- Appreciate and reward security conscious behavior
Inculcating desired employee behaviour lays the foundation for an ingrained culture of data security awareness. When an employee spots an intrusion and notifies IT right away, appreciate the action in public by gathering all staff or email notification. Consider a small reward program for employees to regularly sign up for ongoing training.
- Safe password practices
The stronger the password, the harder they are to crack. Keep in mind that without the right keys in hand, malicious insiders who are outsiders will find it difficult to access your company’s crown jewels.
- Patch organization’s hole
Identify the crucial information and look for ways to safeguard it and investigate the best practices to protect it with aid of trusted IT infrastructure service providers. Like potholes and cracks in the wall, a patch is a must-have to overcome serious consequences. The area where your company data is most vulnerable can cause the security perimeter to crumble.
- Regular data backup
It is very important to regularly backup word processing documents, electronic spreadsheets, databases, financial files, human resource files and account files and data stored on cloud. Ensure backup storage in a separate location and somewhere which is not connected to your network and check regularly to ensure it is working properly and functioning correctly.
- Use multi factor identification
Regardless of protection and training, employees will probably make security mistakes and may put data at risk. To add an extra layer of protection, use multifactor identification.
Both cybercriminals and technology are getting advanced day by day. Cybersecurity is the need of the hour for SMB. The right technology expert can guide and identify and implement necessary policies, procedures and technology to protect company data and networks.
PatternBots is a software development company focused on technology, data security, and privacy. PatternBots has an experienced team of attorneys who are expert technologists and help educate companies about data security and how to protect small and medium-sized enterprises from security threats and cyber-attacks.